30.01.2025 02:38
[Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center] departure from outward office of exchange
Los Angeles, Los Angeles
29.01.2025 15:39
USPS in possession of item
Shatian Town
29.01.2025 04:40
Delivered, In/At Mailbox
Kolkata NSH
28.01.2025 17:41
Depature from Local Sorting Center
28.01.2025 06:42
Processed Through Facility
Chengdu city international mail exchange station, Chengdu city
27.01.2025 19:43
Departure from outward office of exchange
Centro de Entrega 2040 - Rio Maior
27.01.2025 08:44
Returned to customer
China, GUANGZHOU, 510890
26.01.2025 21:45
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
26.01.2025 10:46
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
25.01.2025 23:47
Yanwen Pickup scan
Bloomington, US
25.01.2025 12:48
Arrival at Destination
Centro de Tratamento Porto (Perafita)
25.01.2025 01:49
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Hangzhou
24.01.2025 14:50
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
24.01.2025 03:51
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Air France
23.01.2025 16:52
Received by line-haul
Tracking numbers examples: